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Shooting at NC High School Left One Student Dead and Another in Custody

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MATTHEWS, North Carolina – A student killed and another one taken into custody. A shooting resulted in death in North Carolina after an incident of disagreement between the two young men.


In the town of Matthews, which is 10miles far from Charlotte in southeast, police department confirmed the lockdown that the Butler High School had ordered. The lockdown was verified after the reports received about the shots being fired at almost 7:15 AM. After the lifted lockdown, parents were able to take their children from the school.


According to the local news, one victim was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.


Police Supt Clayton Wilcox said that the suspected shooter was injured himself and undergo of a surgery.


Parents are being expected to meet at Elevation Church on East Independence Boulevard in Matthews. New information about releasing students to their parents was due to made available soon.


The shooting is one of the recent constant waves of a school shooting. It is a topic os USA’s greatest issues nowadays. How long will this continue? No one knows as no matters are being taken.

Trump already offered to take manners to arm teachers however, many teachers rejected the idea and are not being to follow the way.


However, some manners must be taken to avoid this kind of conflicts and critical results.


Take care of you and your children!


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