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People Lost Health Insurance due to Pandemic Job Cuts

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People are losing health insurance to pandemic job cuts. It’s been estimated 257,000 people in North Carolina alone lost their health insurance. This is according to estimates released Monday in the North Carolina Medical Journal. It’s a publication of the NC Institute of Medicine and The Duke Endowment.

People Were Already Uninsured in North Carolina in 2019

This is on top of the more than 1.1 million people who were already uninsured in North Carolina in 2019. Last year, 11.4% of the state’s population was uninsured. It was one of the highest rates in the country. It’s above the nationwide average of 9.2%.

There has been a 3% increase in the uninsured rate statewide. This has occurred during the pandemic in the uninsured rate throughout the state. The analysis is based on both historical trends in the relationship between uninsurance and unemployment in North Carolina. This analysis is by Mark Holmes at UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Also based on a national June survey on the loss of employment and insurance.

The Instability of Health Insurance

Therefore, the Commonwealth survey says respondents said they or a partner had coverage through a job affected by COVID-19. They also reported that at least one of them is now uninsured.

Moreover, doctors serving uninsured people in the Triangle say they are seeing the strain firsthand.

“We have seen a change in people being laid off from jobs. They don’t know if they’re going to go back to a job. There is some uncertainty for some patients who are working yet not working enough to qualify for health insurance. This is with regard to getting even the most basic medications. Elizabeth Campbell, medical director of Urban Ministries, has said. There private facility offers low-cost services to uninsured and low-income Wake County residents.

People reluctant to get healthcare because of the Presence of COVID-19

People were most skeptical to seek care because they were concerned about COVID-19 exposure. This took place in the first few months of the pandemic. Campbell spoke to The News & Observer in a phone number. At this time, the clinic is seeing a rush of new patients. They seek treatment at her clinic. Many of them are newly uninsured.

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