Airports at North Carolina have contributed $61 billion to the state’s economy each year and support 373,000 jobs. This is based on a report released by the N.C. Department of Transportation’s Division of Aviation. This is great news for North Carolina!
Airports and Aviation-Related Jobs Contribute to the Economy with Revenues
In fact, based on 2019, the airports and aviation-related job also provide $15 billion in personal income. As well as contribute $2.5 billion in state and local tax revenues every year. There are been so many challenges in 2020. This is especially true of the pandemic that has transformed the world and not for the better. Small businesses are suffering and many, many will cease to operate permanently. Yet, there are promising things on the horizon for North Carolina, in the best way possible.
“We can still help move our economy onward by generating jobs. This is given our network of 72 publicly owned airports and aviation. As well as the aerospace assets that depend on them. We can still help accelerate our economy onward by generating jobs. We can help businesses grow. The goal is to put people and companies together to markets around the globe,” said Bobby Walston, director of NCDOT’s Division of Aviation.
North Carolina: The State of Aviation: Informative Document
North Carolina: The State of Aviation report showcases the economic impacts prior to the pandemic. It reports on the state’s public airports and the related aviation and aerospace assets that support North Carolina’s aviation economy. This is important information the industry needs to have given a comparison and contrast situation.
Complied and analyzed for NCDOT by North Carolina State University’s Institute for Transportation Research and Education what the report contains.
The impacts are calculated based on numerous factors. These include jobs supported by the airports and the businesses that rely on them. In addition to the business and leisure travelers, and airport capital projects and operations.
View the North Carolina: The State of Aviation full report, including the breakdown of each individual airport’s contributions, click here.