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Airlines Places Teen on Wrong Transcontinental Flight

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RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA – According to a Raleigh couple, their son nearly landed in the wrong foreign country after a United Airlines employee put him on the incorrect plane.

Anton Berg, 14-years-old was set to fly to Sweden for a visit with his grandparents, and United Airlines mandated that he fly as an “unaccompanied minor.” With this designation the teen would be chaperoned to his flights by a United worker. In fact, it cost the parents an extra $150 for the service.

The flight from Raleigh to Newark, N.J. was without incident, and the teen arrived safely. However, following his arrival in New Jersey United placed Anton on a flight to Dusseldorf, Germany rather than o the scheduled flight to Sweden. This information comes directly from his parents.

“He texted me, because he still was on his phone. “There are a lot of people speaking German on this flight. That’s kind of odd, isn’t it?” I said. That is kind of odd,” Christer Berg said.

After that, the plane was in line for takeoff when the teen realized for certain he was sitting on the incorrect flight. Berg and his wife immediately told Anton to let a flight attendant know. After doing so, the pilot maneuvered the plane back to the terminal.

Unfortunately, the boy was unable to make his original flight so United scheduled him on another flight to Sweden.

“We had no way to reach the airline. We were sitting there with a child on the runway about to fly to Germany – the wrong country – and we had no way to reach them,” Brenda Berg said.

Fortunately, Anton landed safely in Sweden on Monday and was happily at his grandparents’ house.

In a statement said, “The safety and well-being of all of our customers is our top priority, and we have been in frequent contact with the young man’s family to confirm his safety and to apologize for this issue.”

Nevertheless, Brenda Berg referred to the incident as “a cosmic failure” by United and demanded that they tighten up their procedures for this unaccompanied minor program.

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